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If you’re in pain and have questions, this informative site has the answers you’re looking for.

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Dr. Brutus provides a variety of resources to his patients, including reliable and credible medical information in audio and visual formats. These resources are presented clearly and simply in layman’s terms and are available for free to help those suffering from hand pain on their road to recovery.

Dr. Brutus is a passionate expert who has specialized in minimally invasive surgical techniques for more than 20 years. He has been quoted numerous times in the media and invited to speak by multiple associations thanks to his recognized expertise.

Carpal tunnel syndrome risk factors and symptoms

Diagnosis and clinical examination

Surgical treatment options


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Practical and comprehensive
medical guide

Everything you need to know to identify and treat carpal tunnel syndrome. Written in clear and simple language by hand surgeon Dr. Jean-Paul Brutus, this e-guide identifies the causes, symptoms, and different ways to treat carpal tunnel syndrome and offers recommendations on how to ease your symptoms at home.

Information kit

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Self Help Book

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What are the signs of carpal tunnel syndrome?

The signs of carpal tunnel syndrome typically include a swelling feeling followed by numbness, usually occurring at night and when you wake up. Tingling, burning, pain, and a loss of sensitivity and dexterity are other common signs of the condition. Patients may experience symptoms in both hands, though one hand is usually affected more severely.

What causes carpal tunnel syndrome?

Because there are many different causes of carpal tunnel syndrome, it can be difficult to determine why it develops. Age, sex, hormone imbalances related to pregnancy and menopause, and certain chronic illnesses are considered the main risk factors. Your occupation, playing sports, and repetitive manual tasks can also lead to the onset of the condition.

How is carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosed?

In general, your doctor will perform a clinical examination and ask you to describe your symptoms to confirm a diagnosis. Your doctor might also perform a variety of tests to evaluate your symptoms and gauge how severe the condition is. It is not uncommon for patients to have the condition in both hands. Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies may be recommended to determine how much the nerve is affected and pinpoint exactly where it is being compressed.

Is surgery always necessary?

Patients can take certain non-surgical steps, such as doing stretches and wearing a splint at night, to ease their symptoms at the early stages of the condition. If symptoms persist or worsen, it means the condition is advanced enough to warrant surgery in order to avoid permanent damage. Endoscopic decompression using the Smart Release® system is the most effective and fastest way to treat carpal tunnel syndrome.

Can carpal tunnel syndrome come back?

When executed properly, endoscopic decompression all but permanently fixes carpal tunnel syndrome. However, it is worth mentioning that people who have had carpal tunnel syndrome are likelier to develop other hand conditions, like lacertus syndrome, which affects a large percentage of people who have had carpal tunnel syndrome. Since the symptoms of lacertus syndrome are very similar to those of carpal tunnel syndrome, it is often overlooked or diagnosed at later stages. Unfortunately, many doctors don’t look for secondary causes or don’t have enough training to diagnose lacertus syndrome. This misdiagnosis is a very common reason why carpal tunnel surgery fails.

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